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Kevin will give a talk at the 2017 E-MRS Spring meeting.

Please click the following link for more information:

Symposium N

Title: Colloidal Quantum Dots: Surface Chemistry and Optoelectronic Applications

Abstract: Colloidal inorganic semiconductor nanoparticles, or quantum dots (QDs), are strong candidates for low-cost, large-area solar energy absorbers and light-emitting materials due to their size-dependent optical absorption, strong photoluminescence, and solution-processability. QDs of size below ten nanometers only comprise hundreds or thousands of atoms. The large surface-to-volume ratio therefore makes the surface chemistry crucial to the behavior of these nanoparticles. An exciting frontier in QD science and engineering is the manipulation of physical and chemical properties via ligand surface chemistry. This presentation will review recent discoveries in the ligand chemistry of QD surfaces interacting with molecular ligand headgroups and metal-halide based perovskites. It will further detail their reaction mechanisms, and demonstrate solar-harvesting and light-emitting device applications.

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