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Invited Seminars and Academic Presentations

14.   Z. Yang. TBA, Invited Talk, NanoGe Conference on Novel Materials for Energy Conversion and Optoelectronics (NEWE18), December 2018, Santa Fe, United States.


13.   Z. Yang. "Solution-Processed Materials and Devices for Photon/Electron Energy Conversion." Invited Talk at CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular Nanostructure and Nanotechnology, December 2017, Beijing, China.


12.   Z. Yang. "Surface Chemistry and Structural Engineering of Colloidal Quantum Dot Optoelectronics." Invited Talk at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nankai University, December 2017, Tianjin, China.


11.   Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Surface Chemistry and Optoelectronic Applications of Solution-Processed Semiconductors." Invited Talk at the Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, December 2017, Tianjin, China.


10.   Z. Yang. "Solution-Processed Materials and Devices for Photon/Electron Energy Conversion." Invited Talk, Xiangjiang River International Forum for Outstanding Overseas Young Scholars, December 2017, Changsha, China.


9.    Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Surface Chemistry of Solution-Processed Semiconductors." Invited Talk at the Department of Chemistry, University of Macau, December 2017, Macau, China.


8.    Z. Yang. "Photon/Electron Energy Conversion Using Colloidal Quantum Dots and Hybrid Organic-inorganic Materials." Invited Talk, NanoGe Conference on Materials for Energy Conversion and Optoelectronics (MECO17), December 2017, Habana, Cuba.


7.    Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Solution-Processed Materials and Devices for Photon/Electron Energy Conversion." Invited Talk, 18th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference (CSSTC), August 2017, Waterloo, Canada.


6.    Z. Yang. "Colloidal Quantum Dots: Surface Chemistry and Optoelectronic Applications." Invited Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, July 2017, Hong Kong, China.


5.    Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Quantum Dot/Perovskite Hybrid Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications." Invited Talk at the Emerging Materials Chemistry Investigators Symposium, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, June 2016, Halifax, Canada.


4.    Z. Yang. "Colloidal Quantum Dots: Surface Chemistry and Optoelectronic Applications." Invited Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, Western University, April 2016, London, Canada.


3.    Z. Yang. "Surface Chemistry of Colloidal Quantum Dots." Invited Seminar at the Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo, March 2016, Waterloo, Canada.


2.    Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Surface Chemistry and Structural Engineering of Colloidal Quantum Dot Solar Cells." Invited Talk, Photonics North 2015, June 2015, Ottawa, Canada.


1.    Z. Yang. "Nano-Silicon Hybrid Materials – Road to the Future." Invited Seminar, Symposium of Selected Topic in Science and Technology, February 2014, Munich, Germany.


Other Conference Presentations

13.   Z. Yang, J. Z. Fan, A. H. Proppe, F. P. G. de Arquer, O. Voznyy, D. Rossouw, X. Lan, M. Liu, G. Walters, R. Quintero-Bermudez, B. Sun, S. Hoogland, S. O. Kelley, G. A. Botton, E. H. Sargent. "Mixed-Quantum-Dot Solar Cells." Talk, 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2017, Toronto, Canada.


12.   Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Colloidal Quantum Dots: Surface Chemistry and Optoelectronic Applications." Talk, 2017 European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting and Exhibit, May 2017, Strasbourg, France.


11.   Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Quantum Dot/Perovskite Hybrid Optoelectronics." Poster, Gordon Research Conference: Solar Energy Conversion, July 2016, Hong Kong, China.


10.   Z. Yang, O. Voznyy, S. Hoogland, S. Kinge, E. H. Sargent. "Infrared Light-emitting Diodes Employing All-quantum-dot Heterointerface." Talk, 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, June 2016, Halifax, Canada.


9.    Z. Yang, X. Gong, R. Comin, G. Walters, Z. Ning, X. Lan, E. H. Sargent. "Near-infrared Quantum-dot-in-perovskite Light-emitting Diodes." Talk, 98th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, June 2015, Ottawa,   Canada.


8.    Z. Yang, E. H. Sargent. "Light Harvesting Using Colloidal Quantum Dots and Hybrid Organic-inorganic Materials." Talk, 249th ACS National Meeting, March 2015, Denver, United States.


7.    Z. Yang, A. R. Dobbie, J. G. C. Veinot. "Synthesis and Shape Evolution of Silicon Nanocubes." Poster, 2013 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, April 2013, San Francisco, United States.


6.    Z. Yang, J. G. C. Veinot. "Functionalization of Silicon Nanocrystals Using Wilkinson's Catalyst." Poster (1st Poster Award), 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2012, Calgary, Canada.


5.    Z. Yang, G. Ma, J. G. C. Veinot. "Metal/Ge Heterostructure Nanowires Fabricated in Inorganic Templates." Talk, 95th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, May 2012, Calgary, Canada.


4.    Z. Yang, M. Hoffman, J. G. C. Veinot. "Water-Soluble Ag/Si Heterostructure Nanoparticles: Two Synthetic Approaches and Their Photocatalytic Application." Talk, 16th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry, August 2011, Hamilton, Canada.


3.    Z. Yang, J. G. C. Veinot. "Size Controllable Germanium Nanowires Fabricated by Seedless Template Method." Talk, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, June 2011, Montreal, Canada.


2.    Z. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Zhou. "Computational Investigation on Structural and Physical Properties of AIN Nanosheets and Nanoribbons." Poster, 2nd Workshop on Computational Nanoscience and New Energy Materials, May 2009, Dalian, China.


1.    L. Bai, Z. Yang, Z. Xu, Y. Li, Z. Zhou. "Covalent and Noncovalent Functionalization of Doped Single-walled     Carbon Nanotubes: Computational Studies." Poster (Best Poster Award), 1st Workshop on Computational Nanoscience and New Energy Materials, March 2008, Tianjin, China.


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