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Kevin will give an oral presentation at QD2018 Conference in Toronto, ON
QD2018 is the 10th biannual conference on quantum dots. It is held in Toronto this year, organized by Prof. Ted Sargent. Conference...

Kevin to give a talk about perovskite new doping process at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference
It is time to visit the city of Edmonton and the Rocky Mountains again. Title: A Fast B-Site Doping Process of Metal Halide Perovskites...

The UofT/Peking U/KU Leuven collaboration project on pre-seeded perovskite solar cell just got publi
Paper Title: Perovskite seeding growth of formamidinium-lead- iodide-based perovskites for efficient and stable solar cells. Abstract:...

The contribution about the brightest ever quantum dot light-emitting diode just got published online
Paper title: Bright colloidal quantum dot light-emitting diodes enabled by efficient chlorination Abstract: The external quantum...

Our wide-band-gap perovskite solar cell paper just got published in Advanced Materials. Congratulati
Title: Amide-Catalyzed Phase-Selective Crystallization Reduces Defect Density in Wide-Bandgap Perovskites Abstract: Wide-bandgap (WBG)...

Our work on mixed-quantum-dot solar cells just got published online in Nature Communications. Good j
Please check the following website link for more information:

The work collaborating with the H. Dai and B. J. Hwang groups just got published in J. Mater. Chem.
Title: Identification of physical origins behind disorder, heterogeneity, and reconstruction and their correlation with photoluminescence...

Our Alberta/Toronto collaboration on cellulose nanocrystal optical diffusers was just published onli
Title: Cellulose Nanocrystal:Polymer Hybrid Optical Diffusers for Index-Matching-Free Light Management in Optoelectronic Devices...

Our work on surface-crosslinkable perovskite quantum dot LEDs was recently published in Advanced Mat
Please click the following link for more information:

Kevin will give an invited talk at the 18th Canadian Semiconductor Science & Technology Conferen
The 18th Canadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference will be held on the University of Waterloo's main campus, August 20-24,...
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